Cookie policy

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses the “cookies”, text files stored on your computer which allow the anonimous gathering and analysis of information about how the website is used by you (including your IP adress).

These information are sent to Google, which elaborates them in order to make reports for operators, regarding you activities on that website.
This website doesn’t use (and doesn’t allows third parties to use) the Google analysis tool for monitoring or gathering your personal identification information.

Google neither associates your IP adress to any of other data owned by Google nor tries to associate an IP adress with the identity of a computer user. Google can also transfer these information to third parties whenever imposed by the law or whenever these third parties process the aforementioned information on behalf of Google. You can refuse to use cookies selecting the appropriate setting on your browser, but this can prevent you to use all the features of this website.

Using the website you consent to the use of your data by Google for the aforementioned modalities and purposes.